The first step to perform a reconciliation in Simetrik is to set up the sources you are going to reconcile. Normally, to perform a reconciliation, information from 2 or more sources is cross-reference
What is a source? A source is a repository of information created in Simetrik, to which a user can add files of the same structure containing the records or transactions to be reconciled.
Create a new reconciliation
Step 1. Start loading the sources by clicking on the sidebar on the left side of the screen in the Reconciliations section. Once you are there, click on the blue + Create new reconciliation button located at the top right of the screen.
Create a new source
Step 2. Choose the option that best suits your needs. You can create a new source or select an existing one. To Create a source, assign a name and click + Create new source.
Upload the files
Step 3. The following screen will be enabled, where you will be able to upload the files you require to your source. Make sure to validate that the file you are uploading is in columnar format and does not contain images or rows with information that is not necessary for the reconciliation.
See Table
Step 4. Once the information has been uploaded, in the Step 2 section, you will be able to see the status of the upload, the number of records or rows contained in each file and the date they were uploaded. The View Table button will be enabled when the source has been successfully uploaded and processed. You will be able to delete files uploaded to your source by clicking the button on the right side.
Step 5. When viewing your table, it is important that you validate that the formatting assigned by the system to each column is correct. Click on the icon shown in the image below to display the types of formatting you can assign to the columns of your source. You can choose between date, number, text, date and time, integer, time and boolean.
Preparing columns
What is cast? Changing the format (Text, Number, Date, etc.) from how a data originally came in to how I want to see it.
Example: "123" and 123 are not the same, the first is a text and the second is an integer.
As shown in the image, the system will present two options: What is the current format and How do you want to see it? The first one corresponds to the format in which the data originally came and the second one to the format in which you want to see your data.
Step 6. When you have verified that the columns have the corresponding format, click on the button below Preparing columns.
Step.7 The functionality of preparing columns allows setting the main and secondary columns of type Date and Value, which will be taken later by the system for the generation of display boards and alarms.
Drag or select the columns you need to set, to or from the Date and Value box, as appropriate.
Step 8. Once you save the changes, you will return to the beginning of the creation of the reconciliation. This time to load the second source or Source B, remember that you can create a new one or select an existing one. If you need to create a new one, repeat steps 1 through 7.
To select an existing source, click on the icon with the arrow and then on the source to be prepared and repeat steps 5 to 7.
Done! you have your sources configured, now continue with the configuration of the crossover.
Pro Tips:
1. You will know that your information was successfully uploaded when the Status is Processed and in Records you can visualize the number of transactions from the source.
2. It is important that once you can visualize the table, you configure the formats of the columns thatyou want to compare, for example date and amount.
3. If the File Upload presents any error, the first thing to validate is that the file has a column structure and that this structure is defined, which means that it is always the same.
4. If the file has more than one sheet, you must separate the sheets into different files before uploading them to Simetrik.
5. The file formats accepted by the system are: .xlsx, .xls and .csv.
6. Remember that the archive Source option deletes the entire source from the system, including all files uploaded to it.
7. The delete option deletes a file uploaded to a source.