
This glossary is going to give you a list of common words or expressions in Simetrik that will help you to understand the functionalities that you would be using on a daily basis.


Account: Where all the clientโ€™s work spaces are located.

Acquisition: It is the capacity to accept payments with credit cards using a third party platform. It has been spread to different payment methods.

Administrator: It is the role that gives or revokes permissions on the tool.

Alarms: Automatic notifications that can be configured by the user, so they can receive them according to the criteria designated.

Asynchronous downloads: It allows you to request the download of files and then access them from the Download Center.

Automatic Integration: Integrations works as โ€œbridgesโ€ that connect Simetrik with an origin or destiny for the data, depending if itโ€™s an input or output integration, respectively.


Bug: An unexpected behavior on Simetik.

Builder: This role allows you to visualize sources, reconciliations and results, to edit them and to generate manual reconciliations.


Chargebacks: Is a transaction that itโ€™s being disputed by the customer for possible fraud. When the issuing bank makes the report, they generate the refund to the customer. Normally, this generates a dispute between the payment processors and the Payment Service Providers (PSP) about who should bear the cost of the transaction.

Clean a reconciliation: Eliminate the results of a reconciliation, changing the status of all the involved records to UNRECONCILED.

Commentary columns: Allows to create a column so the users of a working group can add notes and improve the teamwork.

Crosses 1:1: Allows reconciling a record of source A with a single counterpart in source B. Once the record is reconciled, it can not be reconciled once again even if it meets the criteria.

Crosses N:N: Allows to reconcile a record of source A with multiple counterparts in source B. This type of crosses are only available in high or media sweeps.

Cumulative grouping: It allows you to group the data in a dynamic way while new files are being uploaded into the source, therefore, the data can be reconciled again.


Data duplication: Records that did not happen two or more times but were generated by data duplication, may be due to data being uploaded two or more times.

Dropdown menu: Allows you to create a column with limited options with instructions. It can work to assign a responsable to a record or to indicate why a reconciliation is failing, among other uses.

Duplicate columns: This function allows users to identify duplicate records following some criteria previously established by the user and listed according to their preferences.


Endpoint: The destiny or final route where the information arrives after the extraction. Some available protocols are APIs, SFTPs, WebScrapers, emails, repositories (AWS S3, Google Drive, GCP Cloud Storage, Azure BLOB), among others.

Enhanced source: It is a source to which data has been added that is not originally part of it. You can add data, records or columns.


Give format: To change the format of the record of a column so it can be interpreted correctly by Simetrik.

Grouping: It works as a dynamic table and it is used to group the data according to some specific criteria.


Hide column: Allows you to hide columns to organize in a better way the information of your process.


Manual reconciliation: In case that there are records that are not reconciling, you can use the function of manual reconciliation and verify one by one the records to reconcile them in a manual way.


Netting: Allows you to totalize the amount of the records on the same table.

Non cumulative grouping: It allows you to add data. However, the information that belongs to a single group and can not be reconciled again.


Operative duplication: Two records that happen independently in a transactional level, but that are created by operative or human mistakes.

Operator: It is the role that allows you to visualize sources, reconciliations and results. This role can also generate manual reconciliations.


Parcing: It is the way in which the data itโ€™s obtained so it can be read by Simetrik.

Personalized dashboards: This type of visualization allows the user to configure which are the columns they want to see.

PLPS Integration: The types of disponible integrations in Simetrik are APIs, SFTPs, Web Scrapers, emails, repositories (AWS S3, Google Drive , GCP Cloud Storage, Azure BLOB), among others.


Reconciliation table: Itโ€™s a table that is automatically generated with the results of the reconciliation after saving the configuration and where the itโ€™s results are contained.

Refunds: This is a refund to the buyer of a legitimate transaction. It occurs when a buyer backs out of the transaction for one reason or another.

Roles: Itโ€™s the group of permissions in a workspace or account.


Segments or reconcile groups: Filters or combination of filters that allows to classify the records that can be reconciled with other sourcers. Each reconcile group can be saved as a new source.

Source: A source is a repository of information or database that is created in Simetrik. Here an user can add files with the same column structure and that contains the records that are going to be reconciled.

Sturdiness of the rules: It shows the strength and level of sturdiness of the matching rules that were configured.

Supervisor: Allows you to visualize sources, reconciliations and results, to edit them, to generate manual reconciliations, to create dropdown columns, and to create labels (tags) when doing a manual reconciliation.


Transformation columns: It works as the formulas in the spreadsheets with the only difference that the transformations are not going to be applied to a single record, but to the whole column and it's going to be reflected into a new column.


Union of sources (unions): This function allows you to unite sources vertically so you can centralize the information of the sources with a different structure among them, but that contain the same type of information.


V Lookup: This function allows adding columns to a source according one or more matching criteria with another to enhance the sources.

Visualizator: This role allows you to visualize sources, reconciliations and results.

Void: It is a transaction that has been canceled by the store or the seller before it is charged to the customer's card or payment method.


Workaround: It is an experimental solution to a problem in the tool, while itโ€™s cause is discovered.

Workspace: Containers or partitions that group different processes or teams in the company. An account can have multiple workspaces to save their resources, dashboards and processes that are not going to be shared among them.


Zero effect: To separate a source into two groups to reconcile them among them.

Last updated

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