Multiple manual reconciliations

A manual reconciliation happens when we find records that do not cross between two sources through automatic reconciliation and we need to mark them as reconciled in the final result.

What can you use multiple manual reconciliations for?

With this feature you can find groups of transactions that cross against a single record.

With the Manual Reconciliation feature, cross transactions one by several and leave comments on why the adjustment is being generated in the items.

How to do multiple manual reconciliations

Step 1 - Go to reconciliation result table

To start a manual crossover from 1 item to several counterparties, you must go to the reconciliation result table and click on edit and then on the manual reconciliation button

Step 2 - View the records

The following window will be enabled, where you will find the option Manual reconciliation by exchange, here you will be able to view the unreconciled records of each source. On the right side the first source or Table A and on the left side the second source or Table B.

Step 3 - Select the records

Choose the records you want to cross manually from the first source by clicking on the record from source A and repeat the process on source B.

You will see that in the Reconciliation Result section the number of records to be reconciled with their respective values will appear, you can also choose between adding, subtracting and seeing the absolute difference between them.

Step 4 - Confirm the operation

Once the operation has been generated, click Submit.

Step 5 - Tag the manual logs

If you are an Admin user, you will be able to add tags with which your team can easily classify the transactions that are manually reconciled. Other users will also be able to record the reason why the adjustment was made.

Step 6 - Send the records

Now confirm the sending of the games to be adjusted.

Step 7 - Review the results

Once you have confirmed the shipment Simetrik will take you to the results table to verify that the status of the transactions has changed, in the table you will also be able to view the label, transaction and comment corresponding to each of the items.

Last updated

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